Home / Women / Skirts / #5356 Skirt with slanting reliefs

example - #5356 Skirt with slanting reliefs preview - #5356 Skirt with slanting reliefs

Difficulty: **

You will need: denim, fusing; 1 zipper.

Attention! Fabric consumption varies depending on the size of garment. First of all, print out paper patterns and lay them out at the width of fabric/ knit you plan to use, to see how much fabric you will need.

When sewing the garment, pay attention to notches- they must coincide.

Cutting :


1. Upper gusset - 2 details
2. Upper insert - 2 details
3. Upper insert-2 - 2 details
4. Central insert - 2 details
5. Diagonal insert - 2 details
6. Facing - 2 details
7. Front right flounce - 1 detail
8. Front left flounce - 1 detail
9. Side left part - 1 detail
10. Back gusset - 1 detail
11. Back flounce - 1 detail

Fusing: facing.


1. Apply the fusing to wrong side of facing.

2. Sew relieve seams of front panel: upper gusset, upper insert-1, upper insert-2, central insert, and diagonal insert. Serge seams and press them. By analogy sew back panel.

3. Sew front right flounce to diagonal insert, serge joining seam and press it.

4. Sew front left flounce to side left part, serge joining seam and press it.

5. Sew back gusset to back panel diagonal insert, serge joining seam and press it.

6. Sew back flounce o back gusset, serge joining seam and press it.

7. Sew side edges of front/back panels. Sew side seams f front/back panels, with a place in the left seam for the zipper unsewn.

8. Sew the zipper in. Sew side right edge of front/back panels' facing. Serge facings' outer edge and facings' side left edges.

9. Serge and press: front right flounce lower edge, lower flounce and front left flounce, and press them. Topstitch ready edges on the garment. Serge and press middle edge of front left flounce and side left part. Topstitch the ready allowance on the garment. Gather front right and front left panels along the upper edge.

10. Serge front/back panels upper edge with facing. Topstitch the overstitching allowance on the facing on 0.2 cm (1/16") from overstitching seam.

11. Turn facing edges under and sew by hands.

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