Home / Women / Skirts / #5025 Skirt with diagonal pocket

Difficulty: **
You will need: moreen (cotton fabric); lining; 1 zipper; 1 button.
Attention! Fabric consumption varies depending on the size of garment. First of all, print out paper patterns and lay them out at the width of fabric/ knit you plan to use, to see how much fabric you will need.
When sewing the garment, pay attention to notches- they must coincide.
1. Center Front Panel - 1 folded detail
2. Back Panel - 2 details
3. Side Upper Front Panel - 2 details
4. Side Lower Front Panel - 2 details
5. Waistband -1 piece
1. Pocket Upper Half - 2 details
2. Pocket Lower Half - 2 details
1. Sew back darts, press them towards the center back.
2. Construct pockets. Turn under allowance (1/4”) of Side Upper Front Panel, press. Line ip Side Upper Front Panel with Upper Half Pocket part (underneath). Edgestitch slanted edge of Side Upper Front Panel onto Upper Half Pocket part. Baste together allowances at sides and waist. Stitch Lower Half Pocket and Side Lower Front Panel face-to-face along slanted edge of Pocket entrance. Turn lining to the wrong side, press finished edge. Topstitch the edge (or you may understitch the slanted seam if you don’t want any topstitchings in your skirt). Place lower side part on top of upper side part, matching the notches with pocket entrance edge, baste through all layers at pocket entrance edge. Pin or baste together pocket linings at the bottom edge of pocket. Sew and serge linings at bottom of pocket. Baste or staystitch through all layers of skirt at each side of pocket lining.
3. Sew side parts to Front middle part. Serge seam allowances and press them towards Front middle part. Topstitch the seams at Front middle part.
4. Sew center back seam between notch marks for closure and vent. Serge allowances separately.
5. Sew side seams. Serge allowances and press them towards Back of skirt.
6. Sew the zipper in center back seam opening (at top).
7. Fold the waistband along the center, face sides inside, and sew short sides and extension for button closure. Sew waistband outer part to garment upper part right sides together. Tuck seam allowances inside the Waistband, press. Turn under raw edge of waistband inner part and baste to Waistband. Stitch in the ditch of waist seam to attach inner half of Waistband. Topstitch the waistband along the edges. Mark a buttonhole placement at Waistband extension, make the buttonhole. Sew button to waistband accordingly.
8. Press extended vent facing (back left panel) to wrong side along the bend line, and sew to hem. Turn under and topstitch vent allowance lengthwise edge (back right panel) as narrow as possible. Topstitch back left panel at the vent top diagonally upward, catching vent allowance.