Home / Women / Maternity / #5604 Jumper Dress With Buckles

Difficulty: *
Recommended fabric: lightweight fabrics of natural or artificial fibers.
You will need: Fabric; 2 overall buckles with 2 buttons.
Attention! Fabric consumption varies depending on the size of garment. First of all, print out paper patterns and lay them out at the width of fabric/ knit you plan to use, to see how much fabric you will need.
When sewing the garment, pay attention to notches- they must coincide.
1. Front - 1 piece
2. Back - 1 piece
3. Front Yoke - 1 piece
4. Back Yoke - 1 piece
5. Patch Pocket – 2 pieces
6. Shoulder Strap – 4 pieces
7. Back Facing – 1 piece
8. Front Facing – 1 piece
Fusible interfacing: Back Facing, Front Facing, Shoulder Straps.
1. Reinforce Back Facing, Front Facing, Shoulder Straps with fusible interfacing.
2. Serge raw edges of each Pocket. Turn under and press side and bottom Pocket allowances as per pattern. Turn under top allowance of Pocket, press and topstitch 2.5 cm (1”) from edge. Mark Pockets placement at Front. Apply Pockets to Front, stitch them on at sides and bottom.
3. Serge side edges. Stitch side seams down to the notch for side vent. Press allowances open. Edgestitch sides of vent. Serge armhole edges.
4. Machine-baste at top edges of Front and Back. Pull threads to make gathers.
5. Place 2 Shoulder Strap pieces face-to-face, and stitch at two long and one short sides. Clip allowances in corners, turn out, press. Line up raw ends of Shoulder Straps with Back Yoke shoulder edges; stitch Straps to Back Yoke.
6. Stitch Back Yoke to Back. Press allowances towards Yoke. Place Back Facing onto Back Yoke face-to-face, and stitch together at armhole, shoulder edges and neckline. Clip allowances in corners and at curves. Turn Facing to the wrong side. Turn under raw edge of Back Facing, baste to Yoke. Stitch in the ditch of Yoke seam to attach Back Facing at the wrong side. Turn allowances at bottom of back armhole to the wrong side, baste.
7. Finish neckline of Front Yoke in a similar manner (p.6)
8. Serge bottom edge of jumper dress. Turn under hem allowance, topstitch.
9. Make a 0.5 cm (3/16”) wide topstitching at all armhole perimeter and Back Yoke neckline.
10. Mark placement of buttons at Front Yoke, sew buttons. Pull ends of Shoulder Straps through overall buckles.