Home / Girls / Others / #7001 Tunic With Pompoms

Recommended fabrics: wool or wool blend fabrics
Difficulty: *
Attention! First of all, print out paper patterns and lay them out at the width of your fabric (which may vary approximately from 38” to 44”) to know how much fabric you will need.
You will need: Wool flannel fabric with kids’ pattern; 1.8 m (2 yds) of white drawcord; 6 buttons 12 mm (0.5”) in diameter; 6 pompoms and 1 tassel.
Front - 1 piece
Back - 1 piece
Sleeve - 2 pieces
Collar - 2 pieces
Front Casing - 1 piece
Front Neckline Facing - 1 piece
Back Casing - 1 piece
Back Neck Facing - 1 piece
Collar Loop – rectangle 3 x 5 cm (1-1/4” x 2”) - 1 piece
1. Turn under allowances at short sides of Front Casing, press. Serge the short ends’ allowances and topstitch at the edge.
2. Turn under allowances at long sides of Front Casing, press. Baste Front Casing to Front according to markings; stitch.
3. Sew Back Casing to Back in the same way.
4. Sew side seams, serge seam allowances and press allowances open.
5. Press under hem allowance. Turn under raw edge; stitch the hem.
6. Place collar parts face-to-face, sew all around except area where the collar is attached to neckline. Turn out and press.
7. Sew Front Neckline Facing to the allowances of shoulder closures of Front(face sides inside); turn out to the face side. Place Front Neckline Facing onto Front according to the markings; sew at neckline. Clip curved seam allowances, turn out and press.
8. Sew Back Neckline Facing to the allowances of shoulder closures of Back(face sides inside); turn out allowances of shoulder closures to the face side and stitch at the area from shoulder to neckline. Press allowances and Facing to the wrong side of garment and baste at back neckline.
9. Press inside raw edges of collar, place in between the raw edge of back neckline and sew together through all layers. Topstitch all around the collar.
10. Serge raw edges of Back Neckline Facing and allowances of shoulder closures.
11. Place allowance for closure at Front onto allowance for closure at Back and baste together at armhole.
12. Sew sleeve seam; serge seam allowances.
13. Sew sleeve into armhole, serge allowances, press allowances towards sleeve. Topstitch armhole at 5 mm (3/16").
14. Turn under and press sleeve hem allowance. Turn under raw edge and stitch the hem.
15. Fold Collar Loop piece in half lengthwise, face side inside, sew at long side, turn out and press.
16. Sew the loop into ring; pull collar ears through the loop.
17. Cut the drawcord in half. Pull the drawcord through Front and Back casings. Sew pompoms at the ends of drawcord.
18. Sew tassel at the corner of collar.
19. Make buttonholes at shoulders of Front according to markings. Sew buttons at shoulders of Back.