Home / Women / Underwear / #5254 Knit Set (Top)

Difficulty: *
Recommended fabrics: knits for underwear.
You will need: knit fabric.
Attention! Fabric consumption varies depending on the size of garment. First of all, print out paper patterns and lay them out at the width of fabric/ knit you plan to use, to see how much fabric you will need.
When sewing the garment, pay attention to notches- they must coincide.
1. Shoulder Strap – 2 pieces
2. Back - 1 piece
3. Front - 1 piece
4. Back Facing - 1 piece
5. Front Facing - 1 piece
1. Sew together parts of Front and Back, sew together Front Facing and Back Facing.
2. Turn under, press and topstitch allowances along the Shoulder Straps. Fold pleats at the short ends of Straps, baste Straps to top edges of Top as per pattern, applying pieces face-to-face.
3. Line up Facing with top edge of Top face-to-face and stitch together at top edge (with Shoulder Straps in between). Turn the Facing to the wrong side, press and topstitch.
4. Turn under bottom hem allowance, topstitch. Press.