Home / Women / Dresses / #5597 Dress With Layered Skirt

Difficulty: **
Recommended fabrics: lightweight fabrics of natural and artificial fibers.
You will need: shell fabric; lining fabric; invisible zipper; tough corsage tape (like for pants bottoms) 0.75 ?m (1/4”) wide.
Attention! Fabric consumption varies depending on the size of garment. First of all, print out paper patterns and lay them out at the width of fabric/ knit you plan to use, to see how much fabric you will need.
When sewing the garment, pay attention to notches- they must coincide.
Shell Fabric:
1. Center Back – 2 pieces
2. Side Back – 2 pieces
3. Center Front – 1 piece
4. Side Front– 2 pieces
5. Back Skirt Panel – 1 piece
6. Outer Back Skirt Panel – 1 piece
7. Front Skirt Panel – 1 piece
8. Outer Front Skirt Panel – 2 pieces
1. Center Back – 2 pieces
2. Side Back – 2 pieces
3. Center Front – 1 piece
4. Side Front – 2 pieces
Note: You might want to use shell fabric for pieces of lining.
1. Machine-baste at allowance, 0,5 cm (3/16”) from raw edge, of Center Front part, along the princess seams, from the notch up to the top edge of Center Front part. Pull threads to make gathers.
2. Sew center back seam, princess seams of Back and Front. Serge seam allowances. Press allowances towards center back at Back; towards side seams, at Front.
3. Sew side seams, leaving an opening for zipper closure in the left side seam. Serge seam allowances. Press right seam towards Back; press left seam open, including allowances of zipper opening. Baste and sew zipper into the opening in left side seam.
4. Cut corsage tape into 6 equal parts. Sew stripes of tape to the allowances of shell – at princess seams of Front and Back, center back seam, and right side seam. Press the seams.
5. Assemble pieces of lining similar to shell. Serge bottom edge of lining.
6. Mark placement of puffs as circles 3-4 cm (1-3/6” – 1-5/8”) in diameter at the Outer Skirt parts.
7. Sew side seams of all Skirts. Turn under twice raw edge at front of Outer Skirt, topstitch. Insert inner skirt into outer skirt and Staystitch them together at waist edge, matching side seams.
8. Line up top of dress with Skirts at waistline, face-to-face, baste and stitch waistline seam. Serge seam allowances; press towards top of dress.
9. Cut stripes for shoulder straps. Fold each stripe lengthwise in half, face side inside, and stitch along at 0,5 cm (3/16”) from the fold. Turn out and press shoulder straps. Baste shoulder straps to neckline of Front as per pattern.
10. Put the dress on, adjust length of straps and sew ends to Back of dress.
11. Line up shell and lining, face-to-face. Turn out lining 5 ?? (3/16”) off the zipper seam, pin to the top edge of dress. Turn out to the face side allowances along zipper closure, pin to the top edge of dress, on top of lining. Sew together top edges of shell and lining. Understitch the seam. Turn the lining down, sew to allowances of zipper tape. Sew bottom of lining to the waist seam allowances.
12. Turn under and topstitch bottoms of shell and lining.
13. Make puffs at the outer skirt: topstitch along the marked circle line, pull threads to make shirring, pull out all threads to the wrong side, tie loose ends, trim the ends.