Home / Women / Blouses / #5154 Blouse with a Raglan Sleeve

Difficulty: **
You will need: Silk or other fabric for a blouse; fusible interfacing; 3 buttons; elastic 1/4” wide and about 50 cm (20”) long.
Attention! Fabric consumption varies depending on the size of garment. First of all, print out paper patterns and lay them out at the width of fabric/ knit you plan to use, to see how much fabric you will need.
When sewing the garment, pay attention to notches- they must coincide.
1. Center Front- 2 pieces
2. Side Front - 2 pieces
3. Center Back - 2 pieces
4. Side Back - 2 pieces
5. Front Sleeve - 2 pieces
6. Back Sleeve – 2 pieces
7. Front Facing – 2 pieces
8. Collar – 2 pieces with folds
9. Facing for Elastic – 1 piece
10. Facing for Elastic at Sleeves - 2 pieces
11. Back Neck Facing – 1 piece with Fold
Fusible Interfacing: using hot iron, fuse interfacing to Front Facing, upper Collar piece, Back Neck Facing.
1. Cut elastic into 4 pieces: 2 pieces 10 cm (4") each – for sleeves and 2 pieces 15 cm (5-7/8") each for blouse sides.
2.Stitch center back seam and vertical seams of Back.
3. Stitch vertical seams of Fronts.
4. Sew Front Sleeves to Fronts, Back Sleeves to Back. Press seams.
5. Take each Facing for Elastic at Sleeve, fold under allowances and press. Place Fronts onto Back, face-to-face, and sew upper sleeve seam. At the wrong side of Sleeve, place Facing for Elastic, baste and topstitch along the long sides. Insert elastic into the tunnel, stitch to close the tunnel at one short side, picking up the elastic. Pull another end of elastic to get the right length and stitch the tunnel the same way.
6. Sew lower sleeve seams and side seam in one go. Press.
7. Prepare Facings for Elastic for blouse sides as you did in pt.5. Sew Facings to sides of blouse according to markings. Insert elastics and stitch tunnels at both sides as you did in pt.5.
8. Assemble the collar: place Collar pieces face-to-face, stitch along the outer edge, clip seam allowances, turn out and press. Take both raw edges of Collar together and baste the Collar into blouse neckline. Sew Back Neck Facing to Front Facings. Place Back Neck Facing/ Front Facings to blouse face-to-face, stitch along center front, lapels and neckline, attaching the collar at the same time.
9. Turn Front Facings/Back Neck Facing to the inside, baste along the seam and press. Hand-sew the Back Neck Facing to allowances of shoulder seams.
10. Serge bottom hem and sleeve hems. Turn under hem allowances and hand-sew to blouse bottom/ sleeve bottoms.
11. Make buttonholes into right Front, sew buttons to the left Front.