Home / Girls / Skirts / #7109 Skirt with Front Vents

Difficulty: **
Recommended fabric: jean fabric
You will need: jean fabric, fusible interfacing, zipper, 1 button, elastic 3 cm (1-1/4”) wide.
Attention! Fabric consumption varies depending on the size of garment. First of all, print out paper patterns and lay them out at the width of fabric/ knit you plan to use, to see how much fabric you will need.
When sewing the garment, pay attention to notches- they must coincide.
Jean Fabric:
Waistband – 1 piece
Center Front Panel – 2 pieces
Side Front Panel – 2 pieces
Back Panel – 2 pieces
Back Yoke – 2 pieces
Back Pocket – 2 pieces
Belt Loop – 1 piece
Zip Fly – 1 piece
Side Pocket Part – 2 pieces
Pocket Bag – 2 pieces
Fusible Interfacing: front part of Waistband, Zip Fly.
1. Reinforce with fusible interfacing Zip Fly and front area of Waistband.
2. Serge raw edge of each front vent at the Side Front Panels. Turn under seam allowance and topstitch. Serge raw edge of vent at Center Front Panels. Stitch vertical seam of Center and Side Fronts down to the vent. Serge the seam. Press vertical seam and vent. Make slanted 45-degree topstitching at the top of each vent.
3. Place Pocket Bag onto Front face-to-face and stitch together at the curved edge of pocket entrance. Clip allowances, turn pocket bag to the wrong side, press and topstitch pocket entrance at 0.1 cm (1/16") and 0.5 cm (3/16").
Place Side Pocket Part underneath the Front, matching the notches. Staystitch both pieces at top and side edges with 1 cm (3/8") wide stitching. Sew together and serge Pocket Bag and Side Pocket Part. Staystitch Pocket and Front at top and side edges.
4. Stitch Back Yokes to Back Panels, serge allowances. Press seams towards Yoke. Topstitch the Yokes at 0.1 cm and 0.5 cm.
5. Mark pocket placement at Back Panels. Serge the Back Pocket all around. Turn under top raw edge and top stitch. Turn under and press as per pattern the other sides of the Back Pocket. Topstitch Pocket onto Back with 0.1 cm and 0.5 cm wide seams.
6. Sew center back seam. Serge seam allowances, press to left side and topstitch.
7. Serge center front edge. Stitch Fronts together at center front. Press the allowances to one side, starting at the zipper opening down.
8. Press extended zipper closure facing to the wrong side. Sew zipper under the edge of zipper facing at left Front. Stitch another side of zipper to the zipper facing of the right Front. Fold Zipper Fly piece in half lengthwise and sew at one short and one long side. Turn out, press. Serge raw edge of Zip Fly. Sew Zipper Fly to allowance of left zipper facing. Topstitch right edge of closure, fastening the facing at the same time.
9. Sew, serge and press side seams.
10. Fold Belt Loop piece lengthwise in half face side inside, match raw edges and stitch down at 0.5-0.7 cm (3/16") from the raw edge. Turn out, forming a roll 0.1-0.2 cm (1/16") at one side, press.
11. Fold the Waistband in half lengthwise wrong side inside, and press. Serge one long edge of the Waistband. Make notches at Waistband where it meets side seams of skirt. Cut elastic (refer pattern for length). Bartack both ends of elastic to Waistband at notches for side seams (elastic should be at back of skirt). Stitch raw edge of Waistband to the skirt. Work ends of Waistband (fold back with wrong side out, stitch down the end, clip corners, turn back to face side, press).
Stitch Waistband in the ditch to fasten lower/serged part of Waistband. Cut Belt Loops and bartack them onto Waistband.
12. Serge bottom of skirt, turn under hem allowance. Work bottom corners of vents and topstitch the bottom. Mark placement of buttonhole at waistband. Work buttonhole at right waistband. Mark and sew button to the left waistband.