Home / Girls / Blouses / #7117 Tiered Front T-Shirt

Difficulty: **
Recommended fabrics: main fabric: fine knit, fabrics with elastic threads; trim fabric: shiffon, rayon, silk.
Note: If the raw edges of fabrics do not fray, you can skip serging pieces of Front.
You will need: main fabric or knit, trim fabric, bias tape for neckline.
Attention! Fabric consumption varies depending on the size of garment. First of all, print out paper patterns and lay them out at the width of fabric/ knit you plan to use, to see how much fabric you will need.
When sewing the garment, pay attention to notches- they must coincide.
Main Fabric:
1. Back – 1 piece
2. Front – 1 piece
3. Front Yoke– 1 piece
4. Top Front – 1 piece
5. Middle Front – 1 piece
9. Sleeve– 2 pieces
Trim Fabric:
6. Front Insert 1 – 1 piece
7. Front Insert 2 – 1 piece
8. Front Insert 3 – 1 piece
1. Trim with serger or very narrow zig-zag seam bottom hems of Front Yoke, Top Front, Center Front and Front Inserts 1,2,3.
2. Mark Front piece for placement of Inserts 1,2,3. Match, aligning upper edges, Insert 3, Insert 2 and Insert 1. Place all the three matched Inserts onto Front and topstitch according to markings given at the pattern of Front.
3. Place Center Front onto Front; then, Top Front on top; then, Front Yoke. Staystitch Front with all the layers on top of it, 0.5 cm (3/16")from raw edges of armholes, neckline and sides.
4. Serge bottom of each Sleeve, turn under and topstitch. Sew Sleeves into armholes according to notches. Serge armhole seams. Serge the rest of armhole, turn under and topstitch.
5. Trim with bias tape neckline edge of Front, Back and Sleeves.
6. Sew and serge side seams. Press side seams towards Back.
7. Serge, turn under and topstitch bottom hem.